Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Allie MacDonald in Orphan Black - Season 4, Episode 1

Season 4 Episode 1

It is out of a sense of obligation to my Allie MacDonald admirer readership that I present this post.  It's also the completest in me.  She plays a "Neolutionist" (or "Neo") introduced at Club Neolution, no less.  Her character at one point refers to others who are hardcore Neos implying that she is softcore, or maybe she's no Neolutionist at all (although she presumably is).

Incidentally, I had to catch up on more than half of the third season as the Castor storyline was a bit unpleasant, which caused me to stop watching. I was also too preoccupied with fitness to stick out the unpleasant parts. I did catch up in time for the premiere week, and I watched the first episode of the season soon after. It just took me this long to post (fitness keeps going).

This is another freaky, outwardly defined character that fits very well with MacDonald's gallery of gals. She also happens to be playing pregnant. These are all episode one images but she also appears in episode two in surveillance footage.

Seeing her character instantly recalled Blade Runner for me. I think she would be a natural at playing a replicant. The funky contact lens also reminds me of the owl with the funky eye in Blade Runner. Was the owl parallel intentional?

I'm aware from tweets that her character is returning later in the season.  What could possibly unfold?
Season 4 Episode 1

Season 4 Episode 1

Season 4 Episode 1

Season 4 Episode 1

Blade Runner owl. 
Might they be relatives?!

Season 4 Episode 1

Season 4 Episode 1

Season 4 Episode 1

Season 4 Episode 1

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