Saturday, December 27, 2014

Appendage to 2013 Favorite Films

Ruth Bradley and Richard Coyle
Grabbers: Like, DUHHHHHHHHHH.  If you don't mind terror by tentacles then this comes with my highest comedy-horror recommendation.  Truly, there are more giggles than there are glimpses of gore but there is assuredly gore, like decapitations and other bloody affairs.  Nonetheless, the premise is classic parody/thinking cap ingenuity.  This should have been on my proper list but somehow it alluded me, but since this is an appendage and not an amendment, by all accounts it is.  I have Fangoria to thank for this discovery and some from 2014 as well, and this is why I intend to check the Fangoria editors' top picks every December from now on.

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