Friday, February 20, 2015

Of Oscars and Thrones: A Glimpse of Things to Come

The Film and TV Hub has never had a post about the Oscars or any other awards show.  This year will be my first time offering up my humble insights on the annual shindig.  Honestly, I neither loved this year nor 2013 in films.  That said, even an underwhelming year deserves a spot on this blog.

Game of Thrones was released here this past Tuesday (17th).  And where was my head?  I am purchasing the latest set today and taking it all in over the next couple of weeks, or so.  This will also be my first Game of Thrones post (one of my top three shows these days).

Honestly, there is so much better content on the Oscars and on Game of Thrones out there.  But my perspective matters to me, and if it matters to you, then I guess you deserve to be privy as well.

Third less cool thing:

Even though Fifty Shades of Grey is getting slightly below average reviews, I might watch that as well.  I love the photography, specifically that sleek, urban look they captured.  Sure, that's in a ton of other films, but this iteration is just a little different.  And it figures that after hearing about this for like over two years, I'd rather see it and be disappointed than not see it at all.  


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