Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The Kingbitch Has Entered, Bow Down

So, The Bitch Is Back (in Elton John's immortal words).  Not sure if the bitch is me or my much valued guest and subject of this post.  Who am I kidding?  We're like kindred, blood bitches.  The bitch is both of us. 

King (Season 1, Episode 5): She plays a surviving victim/crucial suspect identifier.

Allie MacDonald

Allie MacDonald

Allie MacDonald

Allie MacDonald

Allie MacDonald

Allie MacDonald

Allie MacDonald

Allie MacDonald

Allie MacDonald

Allie MacDonald
Allie MacDonald.  Lovely as always.
The only words I can find are gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous.  I'm gonna gorge myself on some Big Mac(Donald)...Hi-ooooo!  I don't eat Big Macs, but this Big Mac with the special sauce is alright by me.

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